Westin SERP Participants:
Earlier this morning I spoke with Anjuman Nyman Marriott HR representative who is the Claims Admistrator for the plan. I shared that conversation with Catherine, and wish to emphasize a couple things:
1. unless you have called Alight Solutions (myHR) and indicated that you would like to file a claim, and want to receive the plan documentation, YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE A PACKET as expressed in the content of the earlier transmittal below.
2. DOCUMENT who you spoke with Alight or Marriott, when, discussion content etc.at all times.
Each of us (who has contacted Marriott/Alight) will get a packet of materials in the mail within 10-14 days that includes the Plan documents and an explanation from Marriott as to the basis for the FICA withholding. This explanation will cite references to the Plan documents and to IRS code sections. Each of us can share that explanation with a tax consultant/ERISA lawyer if we choose. The packet will also have clear instructions (according to Gordon) on next steps if you want to contest Marriott’s decision, either because your advisor says Marriott got the analysis wrong or because Marriott was missing information about your personal circumstances that is relevant to the FICA analysis.